Tuesday, January 27, 2009


"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." - - Ephesians 2:8-9

I am headed to 'fabulous' Las Vegas for a couple of days of rest and relaxation, and it suddenly occurred to me that even in a place built on greed, our God can show up and become very much alive in our lives!! The whole idea in Las Vegas is that by seeing lights, flashing screens, and hearing music and laughter, you will be enticed into a whole other world. You'll get caught up in the idea of winning, the hope of 'hitting it big', but most of all, its the idea of getting something for nothing that will draw and captivate people of all ages, from all walks of life.

Now more than ever, we want something for nothing! Our newspapers give us the grim news of a reeling economy, we see strained or broken relationships in our lives, at our jobs, even in our own homes, and we just want something to go our way for once - - in one fashion or another, we want to get something for nothing! Friends, I hate to bear bad news, but most of the time, it just isn't going to happen - - we aren't going to get a free ride, a free lunch, a free pass, or a free anything! Whatever freebie we're looking for, chances are, it just isn't going to come..............

..........EXCEPT, that is, when we are looking to the free gift of Jesus as He comes into our lives! The Bible tells us clearly that you and I are SAVED - - comepletely, totally, without cost - - when we put our trust in Jesus, and it is in Jesus that we get something for nothing!! What we get, in fact, is the best news of all!! We don't get a free ride, free lunch, or a free pass, we get the free gift of eternal life spent with our God!! Next time someone tells you that you can't have something for nothing, tell them about Jesus, who gives the best gifts of all & gives them completely free!!

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Crossroads Ministries exists to connect people to Jesus in the midst of everyday life. If you are following Jesus now, find someone who is not and invite them to walk with you! If you're not following Jesus but you know someone who is, follow that person around, ask lots of questions. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we want you to know that there is a God who loves you and has sent His Son to live & die for you, so that you might live forever with Him!!!

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